Lung Cancer Screening

Lung cancer continues to be the leading cause of cancer death in Delaware. These resources have been prepared to help you spread the message about how lung cancer screenings can detect lung cancer early. All pieces are informational, patient-focused, professionally prepared, and ready to use.

Lung Cancer Survivor Video
This 1.25-minute inspirational video features Bishop Dr. GE Gordon telling his story about how a low-dose CT scan spotted lung cancer early and saved his life.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Important Collateral to Distribute
Lung Cancer Screening Rack Card(4"x9")
Information on why you should get a lung cancer screening along with eligibility criteria and a QR code that links to Healthy Delaware to learn more. Double-sided, English and Spanish.
Last updated:
- English/Spanish
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Window Cling(7.5"x7.5")
For practice windows or doors or even restroom mirrors, this message about detecting lung cancer early reminds patients of the importance of lung cancer screenings.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Poster(11"x17")
For waiting rooms or exam rooms, this poster carries the campaign theme and offers your patients important information about identifying lung cancer early. Included are eligibility criteria and a QR code that connects patients with information and scheduling.
Last updated:
- English/Spanish
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Flyer(8.5"x11")
Carrying the “U Can” message, these flyers can be placed in your waiting room to reinforce the importance of lung cancer screenings. Included are eligibility criteria and a QR code that connects patients with information and scheduling.
Last updated:
- English/Spanish
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Organic Social Media
Lung Cancer Screening Social Media Content
Ready-to-use messaging that elevates the importance of lung cancer screenings. The copy and images are tailored for use on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The posts include links to the lung cancer eligibility tool.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Facebook and Twitter Image(1200x600)
Organic social media image for Facebook and Twitter.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Facebook and Twitter Image(1200x600)
Organic social media image for Facebook and Twitter.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Facebook and Twitter Image(1200x600)
Organic social media image for Facebook and Twitter.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Instagram Image(1080x1080)
Organic social media image for Instagram.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Instagram Image(1080x1080)
Organic social media image for Instagram.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Instagram Image(1080x1080)
Organic social media image for Instagram.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Provider Materials
Lung Cancer Screening Prescription Pad
Just had a conversation with a patient about a lung screening? This tear-off and easy-to-hand-off reminder offers patients a way to connect with a screening nurse navigator to schedule a lung cancer screening.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Conversation Guide
Helpful talking points to use when discussing preventive care with patients — particularly current and former smokers. Discussion points cover the importance of a screening, what the screening is, how to find help to quit smoking through the Delaware Quitline, and how a screening nurse navigator can schedule a screening for the patient.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Legislator Letter
This letter, directed to Delaware legislators, explains the importance of lung cancer screenings and asks them to share the information with their constituents. The letter can be enclosed with the flyer that shares specific details about screenings.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Provider Letter
This letter is directed to health care providers to encourage them to refer patients for a lung cancer screening, if they are eligible. The letter can be enclosed with the Provider fact sheet with specific details about how to get patients screened.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients
Lung Cancer Screening Provider Fact Sheet
Key information about lung cancer screenings, including reduced-mortality data, eligibility criteria for a screening, referral guidance, and general patient talking points.
Last updated:
- English
- Providers
End Users:
- Patients